Saturday 13 August 2011

Football's Back!

So technically it's never been away. Over the summer we've been spoilt with the Copa America, Under-17 and Under-20 World Cups, European Under-21 Championships and a plethora of high profile, money-spinning friendly matches. However, the real business starts here. Over the last couple of weeks we've had the opening rounds of the Scottish Premier League, French Ligue 1, the Dutch Eredivisie, the German Bundesliga and this weekend, the English Premier League; as well as leagues in South America, Russia and the USA, which due to several factors, run throughout the summer months.

Therefore, in celebration of proper, competitive, league football returning to our boring and lonely lives, void of glamour and excitement, here is a list of things that football is infinitely better than:

- Rugby

- All other sports

- Garth Crooks

- Adam Boulton on Sky News

- Fresh coffee in the morning

- One Tree Hill

- The City of London

- Christmas Day

- Call of Duty: Black Ops

- The Godfather Parts I, II & III (Especially III)

- Foot Locker

- John Terry

- Everything I couldn't fit on this list

It's back! Look at it...keep's gonna move!

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